Thursday, March 10, 2011

human rights

                The Purse of Hope presentation really encompassed what our society values compared to other societies.  The human trafficking going on in these foreign countries is huge and definitely not uncommon, whereas human trafficking in our society would be unheard of.  For many of the girls involved in this dangerous lifestyle, this is the only means of survival for them.  Our society values human rights and dignity and that everyone has a right to control their own body and life.  In these other cultures where human trafficking is uncommon, their values are obviously a whole lot different than ours.  With AIDS plaguing the people there as well, the value of life has declined greatly and the only thing the people really care about is whether or not they are going to get their next meal, not what might be in store for them in the long haul.  It was interesting to learn how the males in these countries are really nothing like the men in our culture, and that the men there don’t really have any respect for the women or the women’s lives.  It really is astonishing to see how many cultural differences there are between our culture and these other country’s cultures.  The values are almost completely on opposite ends of the spectrum, with our culture putting great worth in human life and rights, while theirs is merely based on getting another meal and not really caring what happens to them in order to get it.

1 comment:

  1. This goes on in this country too:
